Established as a foundation under Dutch law in 2022, The Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation operates on a non-profit basis and performs its essential duties for the benefit of the global aviation industry totally independently and impartially, with no allegiance to any industry participant or special interest group over another. Albeit a court in name, The Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation is a private non-government initiative that serves the global aviation industry by providing and promoting specialised arbitration and mediation services customised for the specific dispute resolution requirements of industry participants. Neither the foundation nor its Board, Advisory Board or any Standing Committee have any direct role whatsoever in the administration of any arbitration or mediation proceeding. The Netherlands Arbitration Institute provides judicial supervision of all arbitration and mediation proceedings, and all such proceedings always emanate from the agreement of the parties thereto.


Melanie Humphries

Paul P. Jebely
flag flag

Chairperson & Founder

Sign Kadouh

Gerard Meijer

Camilla Perera – De Wit

Erik Jan Reuver

Hooman Yazhari


The Advisory Board of The Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation, in tandem with the Standing Committees alongside it – presently the Technical Standing Committee and the Rules Standing Committee - perform a critical advisory role in providing the Board of Directors with a broad spectrum of highly specialized knowledge, experience and skills to better enable The Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation to successfully achieve its objectives.

Amna Al Jallaf

Amna Arshad

David Bartlett

Shalini Bhuchar

Gary Birnberg


Terence Black

Jochem Croon

Richard Chiariello

Catherine Deane

Louis Emery

Werner Eyskens

William Glaister

Donald Gray

Michael Greenop

Charles Gottlieb

Donal Hanley

Dirk Knottenbelt

Fang Liu

Ian McDougall

Claire McDermott

Andrew McDougall

Peter Morton

Paul Ng

Aoife O’Sullivan

David Power


Matthias Reuleuax

Jonathan Richmond

Julia Salt

Alisa Saitharatanapongse

Nitin Sarin

Les Schiefelbein

Louise-Hélène Sénécal

Philip Shepherd

Wade Thomson

Steven Truxell

Chinasa Unaegbunam

Bart Vermaat

Mary Walker

F. Scott Wilson

Johannes Wilhelm


Kira Aguilar

Mark Calver

Thomas Chatfield

David Crick

Nancy Derby

Simon Diggelmann

Owen Geach

Stuart Hatcher

Sean Hedderman

David Houlihan

Chris Leeds

Paolo Lironi

Dominique McCraney

Lee Noble

David Power


Fraser Rath

Mahamane Touré

Carine Truong

David Yu

Nigel Waterhouse

Rob Watts

Dekkers Jan-Willem


Willem van Baren

George Bermann

Gary Birnberg

Committee Chairperson

Gary Born

Gabrielle Nater-Bass

Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell

Camilla Perera – De Wit

Yves Derains

Louis Emery

Werner Eyskens

Renato Grion

Hussein Haeri

Jonathan Hamilton

Donal Hanley

Arthur Hartkamp

Delphine Ho

Dirk Knottenbelt

Sean Lederman

Alexis Mourre

Maxime Berlingin

Kim Rooney

Deborah Ruff

Jan Schaefer

Rogier Schellaars

Louise-Hélène Sénécal

Alexandra Schluep

Sherlin Tung

Oliver Tebbit

Johannes Willheim

Ashley Wong

 Cristiano de Sousa Zanetti

The Mediation Standing Committee

Ned Beale

Marylou Bilawala

Chris Boruzi

Paul Braczek

Paul Briggs

Ximena Bustamante

Sarah Dyke

Diego Faleck

John Farrish

Bruce Garrow

Toby Landau

Tat Lim

Tejaswi Nimmagadda

Paul Ng

Committe Co-Chairperson

Ivana Ninčić

Les Schiefelbeim

Sukhsimranjit Singh

Felix Steffek

Patrick Taylor

Isabelle Vaugon

Committe Co-Chairperson

Mary Walker

Eugene Yeung


Katrein Baetens

Rules Standing Committee Draftsperson

Othmane Benlafkih

Board Secretary

Barbara Bordin

Assistant Researcher

Patrick Brophy

Task Forces Co-Chairperson

Jinyoung Choi

Lead Researcher

Michael Greenop

Task Forces Co-Chairperson

Sofia Paoletta

Advisor to the Board of Directors

Nilay Raj

Assistant Committee Coordinator

Kitty Zhang

Technical Standing Committee Draftsperson

Yameen Motala

Task Forces Coordinator

Mission Task Forces

The Hague CAA maintains numerous aviation market segment-focused and action-oriented Mission Task Forces comprised of members of the core team above and select others. The objectives of each Mission Task Force are to “Engage, Educate & Encourage” each identified market segment in order to further promote the use of arbitration and mediation as preferred methods of contractual dispute resolution, wherever and however helpful to the parties involved. At present, these Mission Task Forces include, in no particular order: private aviation, advanced air mobility, airline, MRO, OEM & supplier, law school, law firm, lessor, cargo, airport and others.